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Wednesday update - progress!

My little trooper. ❤️

I had been hoping for an instant miracle with the diuretic, but that was probably just my special brand of magical thinking. She’s doing stairs and couch-jumping still, though fell over in the snow while trying to clean Jasper’s ear, and was very tremble-y this morning. Her obsessive snow-eating is like my ice-chewing when I was severely anaemic, and she’s not drinking as much as before – I’m wondering if it’s just too much extra weight for her. She also left some of her breakfast behind, so I think I’ll go back to dividing her meals. Again, my magical thinking was making me a little (!) impatient to get back to normal on time for Ruff Haus Thursday—which ain’t gonna happen.  But I do believe her tongue is getting a little pinker. 

So today is the day of my reality sandwich, and a firm reminder that even the Queen of Codependency can’t instantly fix everything for the ones she loves. 

Reality sandwiches suck donkey balls, but we’re muddling through. I may even shower today… or not… Macie’s always enjoyed rolling in stinky things, so it’s the least I can offer. 🙃

***EDITED – heard back from the internal specialist just after hitting “post”.  The anaemia is very likely tied in with her existing liver disease.  Also, shoot me now, because too much copper is killing her liver, but copper is required to make red blood cells.  Fuck this shit.

Currently figuring out a recheck exam.

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